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小学六年级英语课文教案-Keep our city clean

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-11-12 17:57:30

现在学校对学生的要求越来越高,老师为了更好的教课。当然,教案是少不了的。下面就是小编带给大家的小学六年级英语课文教案-Keep our city clean。

义务教育教科书(江苏)六年级英语上册教案Unit 6 Keep our city clean第一教时

江苏省大丰市实验小学 蔡永明

教学内容:Story time第一部分


1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写:

1)词汇:keep, clean, make, dirty

2) 句型与日常用语:

What makes … dirty/ messy?

… make(s) … dirty / messy.

2. 能听懂、会说、会读:

1)词汇:air, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead,

2) 句子:

Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.

Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too.

Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty.

There’s rubbish in the water and the fish are dead.

3. 能听懂、会说、会读有关环境保护的话题,并用所学句型提出建议,增强环保意识,更加珍惜和热爱城市环境。


·句型:What makes … dirty / messy? … make(s) … dirty / messy.

·词汇: clean, make, dirty


·句型:What makes … dirty / messy? … make(s) … dirty / messy.

·词汇:factory, rubbish的读音


1. 多媒体、教学光盘

2. 收集两组城市图片,一组图片风景优美、环境幽雅,第二组污染严重、又脏又乱


A. Warming up

1. Greetings

2. Enjoy a song

Two little blackbirds

3. Free talk

Do you like birds?

What birds do you know?

Can you see any birds near your home?

Can you se any birds in our city?

\where can you see any birds?

B. Presentation

1. 呈现两组城市图片,一组图片风景优美、环境幽雅,第二组污染严重、又脏又乱。提问题让学生思考、讨论,引入话题:

T: These pictures are of City A. What can you see in these pictures?

S1: I can see a lot of beautiful flowers and trees.

S2: I can see some tall buildings.

S3: I can see a clean river.

S4: I can see some birds in the sky.

S5: I can see some clean streets.

S6: People are happy in this city.

T: Do you like City A? Why?

T: Now let’s look at some pictures of City B. What can you see?

S1: I can see a grey sky.

S2: I can see a dirty river.

S3: I can see a lot of cars in the streets.

S4: I can see a lot of rubbish in the streets.

S5: People are sad in this city.

T: Do you like City B? Why? What’s wrong with City B?

C. Story time

1. 呈现课文挂图1,播放动画第一部分,学习目标词汇和句型。


T: Miss Li is showing her students some pictures of their city. What can you see in the pictures?

S1: I can see a river. There are some fish in it.

T: Yes. There are some fish in the river, but the fish are dead. There are some dead fish in the river. Is the river clean or dirty? (板书:clean dirty dead)

Ss: It’s dirty.

T: Right. The river is dirty. It’s not clean. What else can you see?

S2: I can see some cars.

T: Yes. There’s some smokefrome the cars. (板书:smoke). Can you see that?

S2: Yes.

Ss: Smoke.

T: Where else can you see some smoke? Yes,factory.(板书:factory) Where is the smoke from?

Ss: Factory.

T: The smoke comes from the factories. What can see in the street?

S3: I can see some newspapers.

S4: I can see a lunch box, a water bottle and a can.

T: Great! Those things are rubbish. (板书:rubbish).They are useless and people throw them away. Where do we usually put rubbish?(呈现垃圾桶图片) These are bins.

Ss: Bins.

T: Right. We usually put rubbish in the bins. What do you think of this city? Is it clean or dirty?

Ss: It’s dirty.

T: What’s dirty in the city?

Ss: The air is dirty. The water is dirty. The streetsare dirty.

T: What makes the air / water / streets dirty?

Ss: The smoke / rubbish.

T: Yes. The smoke makes the air dirty. The rubbish makes the streets and the river dirty.

2. 呈现目标词汇图片,引导学生进一步学习理解记忆。

Clean dirty air smoke rubbish messy dead bin

3. 呈现更多城市公共场所的图片,引导学生运用所学词语、句型谈论,这些场所环境是否干净。

T: Is this place clean?

Ss: Yes. / No.

T: What makes it dirty / messy?

Ss: …

4. 领读并引导学生理解句子:

Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.

Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too.

Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty.

There’s rubbish in the water and the fish are dead.

5. 学生听录音跟读课文第一部分

6. 1)学生两人一组完成教材P60 Ask and answer

2) 教师提问,学生回答,检测学生的理解

D. Homework

1. 听录音,跟读课文第一部分

2. 抄写四会单词、句型

3. 完成《课课练》练习一

以上就是小编带给大家的小学六年级英语课文教案-Keep our city clean,希望能对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多关注学大教育网。

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