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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-12-04 22:58:23


Lesson 1


知识目标:熟练掌握单词:A hamburger, noodles, rice, vegetables, chicken

2.能力目标:Teach some sentences about food.

What do you like?

I like hamburgers, what about you?

I like rice.




教学重点:熟练掌握并拼写单词:A hamburger, noodles, rice, vegetables, chicken

教学难点:能够在日常生活中用What do you like? I like hamburgers, what about you?

I like rice.等等来讨论食物。

教学工具:Words cards, recorder, steaker.


Step1 Greeting :

T: Class begins.

P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher.

T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children.

P: Good morning teacher.

T: Good morning children.

P: Sit down, plsase

Step 2.Warm up :

Sing songs:

Dinner time


Chicken and rice.

Chicken and rice.

What a surprise!

Chicken and rice.

Smell the noodles.

Taste the hamburger.

Dinner is ready.

Open your eyes.

Step 3 New class presentation:

1. New knowledges:

hamburger, noodles, rice,

I like hamburgers 噢..

I like noodles. 吐鲁…

I like rice 啊唔..

2, Have students look at the screen. Show students 5 food pictures one by one. They are noodles, vegetables, some chickens and so on. But some part of the pictures can not be seen. Have students guess what it is. After they guessed, four kinds of spellings with each picture will appear. Only one kind of word spelling is right. Have them choose the right one. Then read after me twice.

Students’ Activity

Look at the screen. Guess the food pictures. Choose the correct spelling with each picture. Read after the teacher.

设计思路: 利用多媒体课件,分别出示5种食物图片,遮住每幅图的一部分让学生猜是什么物品,有助于发挥学生的想象力,并有效地复习了单词。再通过多媒体课件出示出每个食物单词的4种拼写,让学生从中选择正确的拼写,最后再通过课件声音及文字的方式出示出正确的拼写及时反馈,加深了学生的映像,培养的学生判断思维的能力,强化了学生的单词拼写能力。

3. Sing a song to end the class

Step 4. Homework

To review and remember the words and the sentences.


Unit 2 Food

Lesson 1

A hamburger

Noodles rice,

vegetables chicken



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