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来源:学大教育     时间:2014-04-09 20:57:48


Time flies! It seems a moment ,whereas, the fact is that I have really becomea college student. In retrospect, I can’t help exclaiming over my perseverance bravery for my pursuit of dreamed university. Meanwhile, I also want to put finger on the difference between my high school life and now, the collegeone.

After my careful consideration, I find out three big differences between them.The primary one is the ways of teaching and learning. At high school, I gotused to doing what the teachers required, such as reciting essays, finishinghomework, doing many papers, etc. Actually, this is so-called “spoon-feeding”In contrast, we must be active for learning at college. We students candominate most of spare time and there is sufficient freedom for us to studyfurther whatever we like.


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